Saturday, September 24, 2005

the bank machine ate myt bank card today for no reason at all except that the world is trying to ruin me. Now I know why you travel with a copy of your pass port, or at least something to say you are this person so you can get things like eaten bank cards back. Damn. Susanna to the rescue will hopefully fax a copy of it this way though or else I am going to have to start selling handicrafts to get money down here. Yesterday I went up into the mountains where my friends uncle has a coffee and advocado farm. He had some horses there and we rode up into the mountains. My horse was named Brown Devil and was sort of well behaved but kept wanting to blaze her own trail and sometimes bucked a little. The two horses we were riding had foals and they just ran along side of us the whole time. Oscar would have loved this place. I think paradice is to live on a farm like this, never ending guacamole and coffee.... yummmmity yum. The girl I am traveling with is heading back to the states on Monday and since we left the farm on Tuesday has not stopped talking. My ears are getting worn out, she talks ´when I am wearing my discwoman- ? and even when I am sleeping. I dont know how one person can have so much to say. I am off to learn how to congigate some verbs. Adios


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