Saturday, October 22, 2005


This is Sus trying as hard as she can to be part of my family, she even cooked us this huge meal as an attempt to get us to let her in. nice try Sus. Mom and Frank have arrived safe and sound and so far are adapting to the bugs and sounds pretty well. The night is busy with bug, bird and animal sounds.
Birks and beers, a Costa Rican combo, Frank's is the pale leg on the right and mine is the dirty one with red tow nails on the left. The beers committed suicide later that night.


At 7:26 AM, Blogger Pablo said...

Kathy appears to have had a few too many Coronas. Watch her!!

Love Jane

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Big Willy said...

Let us see more of the wall art, who's the artist?

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Nicki said...

Erin we miss you! Oktoberfest wasn't the same without you and Halloween will be lacking... at best. But I am glad you're having fun and you'd best be reading our palms and doing tarot cards when you get back!!!


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