Saturday, November 19, 2005

Here we are in all our glory

SO we have this bin here on the farm where passing volunteers leave clothes that are just too discusting to keep traveling with and new volunteers wear them to work when they don´t want to get their old clothes wrecked on the farm shovelling shit, these clothes have been collecting for about 15 years in this bin, and this is where we found the clothes for THE FINCA IPE FASHION SHOW EXRAVAGANZA, Sus is sporting this auqua marine shirt that someone must have slid through tyhe compost pile in, and is you could see her bottom half she is wearing some awlays in style denim cutoffs that go up past her belly button, oww oww! I am wearing someone´s sporty bather and a pair of purple pants with one leg. Matt is going for the sexy look and is wearing some work shorts that won´t do up and a bias middrift exposing his hairy ass belly. Jocelyn is wearing some old underwear from 1992, a cute pìnk top and a matching foam viser. Take notes that all of the clothing in this line smell of mold and are covered in mysterious stains.


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Big Willy said...

who was at the show??


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