Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hostel Boxing

You could tell byhow the girls had been bickering all day that there was something brewing... and that was trouble.... a big fight! Until death! and so with Suz the Beast in the left corner and Erin the Terrible in the right the fight was on.

Suz was quick with a deafing blow to Erin´s face knocking out all of her front teeth and giving her two black eyes. Erin stumbled around in a daze for a while and the crowd thoughtSuz might be the champìon. There was silence as they waited for Erin to tip over.

But out of no where Erin throws this crazy undercut and knocks Sus head first right over the wall of the hostel. The crowd went wild and Erin was awarded this huge gold belt and some sparklie medalions which she hung in her wall next to her ribbon for winning long jump in gr. 3 track and field. Oh yeah. The Champion. Sus, I know you might not remember this battle this way, but you were pretty out of it, so just trust me.


At 6:48 AM, Blogger Big Willy said...

That's my girl


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