Thursday, October 27, 2005

Pics from Nics

Erin has left with her fam for a couple of days to see some sights, run from the hurricanes and search for sun. Hopefully they find it. I dont think they Imagined this much rain on their 2 week holiday in the sun. So I am still here getting ready for Halloween. Last week Erin and I renewed our visas and went to Nicaragua for a few days. So here are some pics from our trip. We stayed on an island called Ometepe where there are 2 volcaoes brewing with hot, molting lava. We watched them, waiting and waiting for them to explode. We were sure it was bound to happen, I mean its been 60 years. Alas, we were out of luck and all we saw was some smoke. BORING. Anyways, it was good times.


At 4:43 PM, Blogger Scarin said...

andrea, will you marry me?


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