Monday, January 22, 2007

Here is the best place to be spending a January day. Learning lessons all the hard way down here, for example, why you donĀ“t put your bag between your feet on the floor of the bus. Any guesses? Pick one.
a) you might accidentally pee on it
b) a bus rat might chew on it
c) there is a hole in the floor and it could fall onto the highway
d) the clever jerk sitting behind you will wait for his friend to signal to him you are not paying attention and then he will pull in under the seat, remove the new camera from it and slide it back under, all while you have no clue.... until you are off the bus and it is way too late.


At 8:31 PM, Blogger Pablo said...

Ya...we forgot to mention...wrap all bags around your ankle tightly (twice) They're quick and they work in packs.

Love Aunt Jane

At 5:21 PM, Blogger Scarin said...

I know this now. It is alright now though, at least they only got the camera. Thanks for the advice.
Love Erin

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Big Willy said...

sure is bad luck that you would have to be on a bus with a pack of theives eh. hope it's not spoiling the rest of the adventure. Sorry about missing your calls, missed the one last eve by 5 minutes. We are seeing parts of the country with big rains and mud slides, stay clear of that part. missing you lots.


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