Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007

we tried our hands at sand boarding. Ended up with alot of sand everywhere. Sus was the best in the group, if there had been a ramp there I am sure she would have done a flip on it. We are finally in Agua Caliente and got our first peak at the ruins today from across the way at the top of a mountain we hiked up. It was 2 hours strait up and I started to hyperventilate because apparently my fear of heights is a little more serious than I thought. We kept going up though becuase it was scarier to go down. The view was amazing. I made it down, I used my hands as blinders so I could not see the edge. We spent the rest of the afternoon resting our bones in the hot springs here. So nice.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Here is the best place to be spending a January day. Learning lessons all the hard way down here, for example, why you don´t put your bag between your feet on the floor of the bus. Any guesses? Pick one.
a) you might accidentally pee on it
b) a bus rat might chew on it
c) there is a hole in the floor and it could fall onto the highway
d) the clever jerk sitting behind you will wait for his friend to signal to him you are not paying attention and then he will pull in under the seat, remove the new camera from it and slide it back under, all while you have no clue.... until you are off the bus and it is way too late.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Although it is not 2003, here we are. One day at the beach and some pretty sweet burns to show for it. We wore sunscreen, we just missed a few spots. We are in a wild little beach town in the north called Mancora. Everything revovles around going to the beach. There are few trees, little shade (unless you rent an umbrella and chairs) and the ocean is cold, but refreshing. We have been eating alot of ceviche in the mornings and lots of fruit. So far so good. We will keep working with the camera to put up some more pictures. Love Erin and Sus

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Amazing Girl

I am amazing, this is Erin. Last night I was lying in bed trying to figure out how to make the pictures of Sus´camera smaller so we can upload them and I somehow managed to delete all of the ones we have taken so far. Amazing. That is all. We are still doing great, moving north bit by bit. We went to see some cool ruins yesterday at Chan Chan, Paul you would know there. I am curious how much it has changed here since you were here. Every corner has something new and cool around it. There are things that remind me of Costa Rica here, things that remind me of Ghana- mostly people roasting meat on a stick on a cart lit by a lantern at night. I am going to drink some Peruvian beer tonight and relax. I am pushing the limit on how much fruit one person should eat in a day. I have to go, time is running out. Stupid girl= no pictures. Lo siento.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

alrigh, enough of this
I have been trying to make you all jealous with some pictures but they will not upload on this old school machine. You will just have to believe me
Day one: happy, amazed and sunburned
We are kicking around in Lima and there is tons to see and do here and more places to sit, look and do nothing. I will try to put some pics up when I find a computer that is better. I love you all. Over and out.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Howdee doda all,
I hope the holidays treated everyone well. I am still eating chocolate and delicious things that came in my stocking. I got spoiled rotten, Christmas makes me feel like I am 6 again. I think Santa still comes to my house. I also still think that the dog can talk at Christmas. On Christmas Eve if you look outside you can see the animals talking to each other, the only problem is we only have one dog now and it has no one to talk to. How sad, I was hoping Santa would bring us another one. So, we are heading to Peru, only for a month. I was thinking that we would keep people posted on where we are headed through this blog again, it needs a purpose and this seems like a good on for it. We are leaving on the 10th of Jan and should ( ha ha we are never coming back, don't tell my mom) be back on the 6th of Feb. Yes, I know you are all thinking, "but Erin you will miss your birthday party we are planning for you". That is cool guys, we can just have it the weekend after. You are all so sweet for planning one for me. I love you all.