Wednesday, December 07, 2005

For Vickies Eyes ONLY


Monday, December 05, 2005

Pretty Pebbles

Waiting for the bus

This is Team Canada... plus a German and an American...

Crab Hunting


Qué Linda!

Tragidy in the rainforest

We went on a mission to find monkeys this weekend. This park is known for monkeys being so used to people, they come right up to them. It wasnt our lucky day because it was raining and they were all hiding. We didnt even see one. As you can see, this pic was taken before entering the park, Matt still had a smile of excitment on his face. 2 hours later, he didnt look so happy....


Watch out Milverton....

Sunday, December 04, 2005

C'est L'alloween

Here we have a picture that has nothing to do with Costa Rica. This is the Erin and Joel uniting their love. As you can see they are the perfect couple, Ive never seen Joel so happy. The ceremony took place at 12 midnight on the 31st of October 2003. A special thank you to Rev Matt McCarthy for the lovely ceremony. Vickie, I like what you did with your lips.