Monday, September 18, 2006

fast mind

I watched too much 6 Feet Under before bed and now I can't stop dreaming about funerals and dead people. Creepy creeperson. I also had a dream where I was hanging out with Heather and Emma and they were telling me all about things in Ireland. They sounds of it they are both doing great.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Party like you have been dead rotting in a coffin for 15 years and then get asked to Prom

She pulls herself out of the cave she has been hiding in and shields her eyes from the sun

I am thinking about dusting off the cob webs on this blog like thing of mine. I know you are all just dying to know what I do and think about. Between the MJ songs, conversations with hamsters and dreams of coffee, there are some thoughts in there. I just biked home from my night class on Zen meditation in the pouring rain, it was wonderful. Before I got on my bike I was worried my ass would get wet where the rain coat did not cover, well, I made it home and I am pretty sure I am soaked on every inch of me, I left my clothes on the porch running in side in me undies and hopefully no hobos steal them. But I guess if they steal them, the probably needed them more then I do anyways. Speaking of hobos, it is a good thing Bryn was not home, he hates when I run around in my underwear, no he actually really loves it... creep.

Life is good. Things have changed, as they always do. With each change I learn to deal with them better. I am the big kid at school now, I guess that one would feel that way as a fifth year student in second year classes. The house is quiet except for the ass I share a wall with who has some how obtained this thing that makes the base of his music shake my bones and rattle my brain, Ester recomended a shot gun, I just need to figure out where to get one. I miss you all, I am off to the porch to watch the rain.