Saturday, September 24, 2005

the bank machine ate myt bank card today for no reason at all except that the world is trying to ruin me. Now I know why you travel with a copy of your pass port, or at least something to say you are this person so you can get things like eaten bank cards back. Damn. Susanna to the rescue will hopefully fax a copy of it this way though or else I am going to have to start selling handicrafts to get money down here. Yesterday I went up into the mountains where my friends uncle has a coffee and advocado farm. He had some horses there and we rode up into the mountains. My horse was named Brown Devil and was sort of well behaved but kept wanting to blaze her own trail and sometimes bucked a little. The two horses we were riding had foals and they just ran along side of us the whole time. Oscar would have loved this place. I think paradice is to live on a farm like this, never ending guacamole and coffee.... yummmmity yum. The girl I am traveling with is heading back to the states on Monday and since we left the farm on Tuesday has not stopped talking. My ears are getting worn out, she talks ´when I am wearing my discwoman- ? and even when I am sleeping. I dont know how one person can have so much to say. I am off to learn how to congigate some verbs. Adios

Friday, September 23, 2005

A Day on the Farm

Why hello again. Today Erin and I are going to take you on a short virtual tour of the farm. We realized you may be curious as to what exactly we are doing here. Cmon, lets see whats in store. We are wearing these helmets to protect us from UFOs.

Strength, Courage and Determination

This is how we train and prepare ourselves for when the aliens come to get us. Erin is still a bit woobley but I think I am ready to take them on....

Hard Work

Ok, now we are taking a break

Wee Bebes

Now we will stop at the milking goats. You have to say that with an amish accent, like this: gohts. Anyways these are 2 bebes just born the day before. Their names are Curry and Spice because that is what they will be turned into one day. Baaaaa. Erin stop choking Spice.

Gandolf the Goat

Last, but not least, we are visiting Gandolf the Great. Youll have to turn your head sideways for this one, but this is Erin and Gandolf bonding....

We hope you liked this mini tour. Now you have a basic idea of what we are doing here and that we are safe. We miss you all. Well, some of you...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

yip yip

deal with my spelling mistakes..... I have been out of school along time and Anne-Marie is not here to edit for me

yo yo yo whats up- I dont know how to get the question mark to work on this key board or else I would have put one there, but lets pretend. So I have finally escaped fromt he evil clutches of Susanne and have left the farm for the week. I am in Cartago, which is near San Jose. It is weird to be in the city because I am used to the viva´muy tranquillo on the farm. There is alot of garbage and exhast all over the place. I am staying with my friend Dianna and Roberto who worked on the farm for a while. I went to college with them yesterday as show and tell. There are interesting things happening around here. Last night we traveled into San Jose to see the contemporary art museum and to take in a bit of the night life. We ended up at the main gay bar in town where there were more boys packed onto one dance floor than should be allowed and non of them were looking at me, I had even brushed my hair! We danced until the wee hours and there was a drag show where a guy dressed as Ursela from the little mermaid came on stage with the movie playing in the back ground and sang, it was wonderful, I had never seen anything like it. We jumped into a cab to take us home and I apparently tried to sell my shoe to the cab driver in order to pay for the cab... but I think that must be a made up story. Today we went to these botanical gardens where there are over 1000 kinds of orchids and cool forrests to walk through. The plants here make me crazy, they grow like wild. There was a forrest of just bambu which was like 40 ft. high. I looked for ninjas in it but they must have been very well camoflaged and stelthy because I did not see any. Sus, I hope you read this and know I will be home soon..... love to all

Monday, September 19, 2005

Kissy Kissy

Even though Erin gets a rash whenever she goes into the Guinea Pig pen, she just cant resist. She just loves them.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Hey there,
so this is Sus and I's attempt at a shared blog, we will fight over each picture that goes up because that is how us sharing usually works out. Things at the finca are beautiful we round up goats and plant veggies,

Our address here is
Fina Ipe
APDO 804-8000
San Isidro del General
P.Z. Costa Rica

Love to all


Erin wakes up this happy every morning, singing and dancing to Shania Twain

Rise and Shine

Wakey Wakey... haha Erins got a zit

Here are some pretty flowers

Signs sign everywhere are signs

So if you come and visit us for a surprise, this is the sign at the entrance you will have to look for....

In love

Communal Dinner

C C C C C arrot Jenga... Erins done it again.... turned food into something its not supossed to be

Saturday, September 10, 2005


say that just like Joey Lawrence would