Saturday, November 26, 2005

A tall circus

We came down to Dominical this afternoon and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a green double decker bus with a map of the world painted on it with a trail showing where it had been and inside was a travelling circus. It was the coolest thing I have ever seen, Anne Marie, it was just like geek love! We just watched it in the rain and I wanted to join it but I did not know any tricks. We are going to see them tonight also at Rocka Verde and it will be Ultra Violet Circus.... wow... Sus you are missing out....

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Our home in the Bistro

Check out Matt´s first souvenier from Costa Rica, a blistering sun burn from the first try at surfing, I did a flip on my board atop of this huge wave. It was tubular.
art by Jocelyn

Hitchin´a ride

Here is Skip trying to get us a ride home, which we got, down the worst road in Costa Rica where the car had to drive right through a river and we had to get out and walk through and still the floor was covered in water.
Smoking at the side of the road

This very day in Costa Rica

This is Skip and I like an hour ago hanging out on this cliff right before we plunged to our death in the river below, oh wait, that did not happen at all, we jsut got back in the truck and drove to town.
This is the work we were doing this morning, turning the compost, aka shovelling shit. Skip is in the green to the left of the shit, Sus is right on top of the shit, Dan and Jocelyn are right beside her looking at her shovelling shit and I am haning out barking orders to shovel faster at the end of the shit.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Uh Oh...

Remember those alians we were talking about earlier?.... I think this plant we found is a sign, they are on their way!

A walking Stick

Why hello there...

A walking leaf

A Frog In Danger


Saturday, November 19, 2005

On the Road

Here we are on the way to this sweet waterfall, ha ha suckers, it is snowing at home.... see you soon,

Smerin and Smooze


Sus and I have started a gang on the farm, don´t we look tough? So far we have three goats, some chickens, the cow and a few of the kids that live on the farm as part of it. We are running Platinillo using just our tough faces.

Here we are in all our glory

SO we have this bin here on the farm where passing volunteers leave clothes that are just too discusting to keep traveling with and new volunteers wear them to work when they don´t want to get their old clothes wrecked on the farm shovelling shit, these clothes have been collecting for about 15 years in this bin, and this is where we found the clothes for THE FINCA IPE FASHION SHOW EXRAVAGANZA, Sus is sporting this auqua marine shirt that someone must have slid through tyhe compost pile in, and is you could see her bottom half she is wearing some awlays in style denim cutoffs that go up past her belly button, oww oww! I am wearing someone´s sporty bather and a pair of purple pants with one leg. Matt is going for the sexy look and is wearing some work shorts that won´t do up and a bias middrift exposing his hairy ass belly. Jocelyn is wearing some old underwear from 1992, a cute pìnk top and a matching foam viser. Take notes that all of the clothing in this line smell of mold and are covered in mysterious stains.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Muscles muscles everywhere

Ladies and Gentalmen, come one come all to the Finca Ipe Arm Wresteling Tournament. This is how we prove who has worked the hardest on the farm and of course who is the buffest of the buff.
Erin seemed to think that if she watches her muscles flex, it will work in her favour. It didnt.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sus the butterfly trainer

Hostel Boxing

You could tell byhow the girls had been bickering all day that there was something brewing... and that was trouble.... a big fight! Until death! and so with Suz the Beast in the left corner and Erin the Terrible in the right the fight was on.

Suz was quick with a deafing blow to Erin´s face knocking out all of her front teeth and giving her two black eyes. Erin stumbled around in a daze for a while and the crowd thoughtSuz might be the champìon. There was silence as they waited for Erin to tip over.

But out of no where Erin throws this crazy undercut and knocks Sus head first right over the wall of the hostel. The crowd went wild and Erin was awarded this huge gold belt and some sparklie medalions which she hung in her wall next to her ribbon for winning long jump in gr. 3 track and field. Oh yeah. The Champion. Sus, I know you might not remember this battle this way, but you were pretty out of it, so just trust me.

Some Hibiscus

Interpret as you will

Look at Sus´ creepy eye over my shoulder....always watching.... we found this one tree that could be worn as a wig, and as you can see it improved our looks by at least 15%.

Yeeeeow! The devil poked me bum!


These are the most beautiful, best smelling and rare flowers in all of Costa Rica

standing in front of some shrubery

hanging out in Boquete in August

This is how we got up to the top of the mountain in Boquete, which is a pretty place in Panama. These small mules were very handy for getting around the town, Sus´s had a sore leg so it was not as fast as mine.

This is a friend we made while traveling, but we scared him away because we were weird.