Sunday, October 30, 2005


Happy Halloween. Again. Here is a picture that will put all you crazy pumpkin carvers to shame. Sometimes there is just a time and place to boast. Now is the time and place.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Happy almost Halloween

Sus, I found your long lost cousin, red eyed beak beak, and yes, you will be happy to know she was looking for you also... looooooking

This is my mom writting a post card and me thinking about something devious, about killing someone..... guess who......

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Pics from Nics

Erin has left with her fam for a couple of days to see some sights, run from the hurricanes and search for sun. Hopefully they find it. I dont think they Imagined this much rain on their 2 week holiday in the sun. So I am still here getting ready for Halloween. Last week Erin and I renewed our visas and went to Nicaragua for a few days. So here are some pics from our trip. We stayed on an island called Ometepe where there are 2 volcaoes brewing with hot, molting lava. We watched them, waiting and waiting for them to explode. We were sure it was bound to happen, I mean its been 60 years. Alas, we were out of luck and all we saw was some smoke. BORING. Anyways, it was good times.

Bus rides and nap time

yes but.. what are you trying to say?

Hmm, if only we knew how to translate this...

High 5

Hibbie Jibbies

I put this little charm in my pack and brought it back home with us. Sometimes I put it in Erins bed just before she goes to sleep. I know she loves it, even though she theatens otherwise.

Out and about

We got a little lost on our walk. Not sure where we were going, but we somehow made it back on the right trail. Thankfully. I was sure Erin was headed straight for the mouth of the volcano.


Bye bye, island with big scary volcanoes

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Frank has put pictures up on his blog of them hanging out here. Go look.... come on I know you want to there are pictures of goats and snakes......


Hi guys,
okay, so what is everyone being for Halloween? I think Sus is being a ghost made of a bed sheet and I might be a hunch back or maybe I might have to be a ghost to. I jsut don't have all of the cook make up I have at home to make myself and my friends into blood sucking zombies. I hope some of you will be one of those for Halloween. Is there a party on Spring St? Fill me in and show me pictures of your pumkins,
Love Erin

Saturday, October 22, 2005


This is Sus trying as hard as she can to be part of my family, she even cooked us this huge meal as an attempt to get us to let her in. nice try Sus. Mom and Frank have arrived safe and sound and so far are adapting to the bugs and sounds pretty well. The night is busy with bug, bird and animal sounds.
Birks and beers, a Costa Rican combo, Frank's is the pale leg on the right and mine is the dirty one with red tow nails on the left. The beers committed suicide later that night.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Family Reunion

Hey there all you foxy men and women,
well yesterday an air plane delivered my momma and bro to me down here and I am hanging out with them for two weeks. It is a pretty sweet deal because they have rented the cabin know as the Mothership which is the best place on the farm to stay with a view of green mountains with the ocean in between. There is a hamoch there and my mom will probably spend most of the holiday in it. Thank you Spantanna for sending me down those candies, I love Sour Keys and now I have some, I will rot my teeth. My brother now thinks I am crazy due to the list of things I asked him to bring me including the hani-sew, a crafty little gizmo for sewing which is highly under rated, a book on crystals, my taro cards and if that was not bad enough Anne Marie threw in a pook on palm reading and chakras. Only the necesities, but down here is a great place to learn about that stuff. Soon I will know how to cast spells and then all of you watch out! Nicaragua was beautiful, an island made of two volcanoes on Lake Nicaragua. Could have stayed there for ever, or until I got sick of the coffee, which would have taken a while. I miss all of you stinkers and there will be pictures soon. My bro brought me a new camera... wahaha...
Love Smerin
ps. Sus you smell

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Proudest Family Moment


this is my brother con Mullet receiving an almost fail on the Hot or Not site. hot or not, you look scary and you don't ahve to worry about that hair doo not being in style anymore because I see lots of them down here wizzing by on motor cycles, all you need is a mustache and you will be set. Woo woo.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Hello! You will be happy to see that we have updated our site with some new pictures. Erin is at the farm today, she was gone all weekend and was due to put in some more hours of work. But I am in town today and am fulfilling her request to put our new pictures on wild haired wanderings. She said our viewers need to know that we arent the only pretty things costa rica has to offer. So these pictures are taken of some plants around here. We went on a little trip this weekend, since we couldnt eat turkey and stuffing, to a place called San Vito where there is an old botanical garden. It was really nice....


Here are more pretty seeds...


On the farm we have purple bananas, red bananas, yellow bananas, all different kinds - but these are the most tiniest and pinkest bananas we have ever laid eyes on.

No Erin!

These are seeds from a different type of palm tree. The colours indicated to me that they may be poisonous. But not to Erin, she just grabbed them and put them in her mouth one by one thinking it must be bubble gum. (She had just seen Charlie and the Chocolate factory) Erin learned her lesson when her mouth started to foam.

This is a type of Ginger we call Shampoo Ginger. If you put your head underneath and shake the plant, water comes out and makes your hair silky smooth.

A palm trees seeds


Saturday, October 08, 2005


This is the task of the week, painting the bathroom blue to cover over years of dirty finger prints and other grunge. Much easier than cleaning. Soon I will paint a picture on the wall of a fat naked lady reclining. I think it will fit right in with the rest of the murals around the house. Pictures to follow.


Rosie Posey
Suzy- smoozie
Erin- Scarin

We have found a small child to train, this is Rose, one of the kidies from the farm, she is coming along nicely. And although your parents said your face will stay like this, they were lying....



The turkies on the farm are sparse and we did not want to miss our favourit holiday so Sus went out into the woods with a stick and wapped down one of these Tucan things, she was like "follow your nose to this" and womp the bird was lying on the ground. These crazy birds are all around the farm right now because there is this fruit they love eating, you can see them hanging out the time.Caw.

Back to the Future

Yes, it is us, we are still alive and still farming like two properly raised small town girls should. Sus has met a guy down here, he is calm, quiet, gentle, he does not say too much but he is very loyal. He smells sort of odd and he refuses to leave field three but I guess no one can be perfect. I wish them the best of luck. His name is Skinny Leg Big Belly but we call him Joe for short

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Truth comes out

Before I got here, I wondered what Susanne loved so much about this place... maybe it is nature? Or the people? But now I know, she has been secretly dating this feline for months. I have walked into her room and seen her gazing into this cats eyes telling him she will nevber leave him. This is Harry the wild feline of the volunteer house, and Susannes one and only true love.He bit me once and scrated me on the back of the head and I dont know how to break it to Sus but he is sleeping in my bed when she is not looking. She could do so much better.

Valley View

This is my dearest friend Roberto and I above the Orosi Valley. Anne Marie, you and Josh would love him to bits. I will try to squsih him in my suit case as a Christmas gift for you both.

Ci Ci Pony Horse

This is the horse I was riding that gave me a rash and made my eyes itchy in the mountains by Cartago last week. But if I dont think about being allergic to them, it was really quite romantic.

Yum Yum give me some

What have I found? Something yummy.... something squishy, something that grows all over here. This is me at an organic coffee and Avocato farm, all you really need in life